Monday, 27 September 2010
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Sunday, 29 June 2008

Norabone's custom of going to the occasional game of footy with her dad was perpetuated yesterday with the Richmond V Carlton game. Nora has barracked for Carlton since she first clapped eyes on the footy card bearing the name Alex Jesaulenko.
Her father barracks for Richmond of course, as do some of her dearest friends so when these rival teams clash it is always with a smidge of mixed emotions that Nora celebrates a victory or a good old shellacking. She's even been moved to shed a tear when the 'Yellow and Black' theme tune resounds through the stadium.
Some Tigers legends were on parade at the pre-match festivities to celebrate the 100th Birthday of Richmond FC but the party had to end in tears. This anonymous but jolly man at Jolimont station spoke for all Carlton fans as the trains filled with fans wending their way home. GO BLUES!
Sunday, 30 December 2007
My band is Scott Fitzgerald Lacy and our new album is Mary Stachowicz.
- World Ocean Day
- Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park
- Platymiscium gracile
- Honda CB1300
- Antoine Augustin Cournot
- 1999 Rose Bowl
- Coxcomb
- Metro Toronto Works
- Roy Baumeister
- Crurotarsal
- Takumi Nakayama
- Something Like Happiness
- Diego de Montemayor
- James Coomarasamy
This was autogenerated from random Wikipedia article names. Get your own Wikipedia Album.
via boynton
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
If it had been an episode of Midsomer or even real life, Nora would have stumbled across the corpse of "Dorothy" while walking her dog, Bronte. (hereafter known as Toto)
The reality was that "Dorothy" was actually found in a plastic garbage bag in Boynton's garden shed. She was in a terrible state of decomposition and had the worst case of DOLL DIRT ™ Nora had ever seen.
Boynton's distress was obvious. "No!!! Not Dorothy!! Can she possibly be saved?...or...should I just put her out with the rest of the hard rubbish?"
Nora pondered.
This was beyond dirty. There was mouldy mildew on her skin and her hair...a mass of tangles, dead bugs and vegetation. A chemical onslaught was required.
Scourers and an old tooth brush were used with chlorine bleach but some residual staining of the skin was unavoidable. For her hair Nora used Boynton's shampoo and conditioner and a marvellous product - Garnier Smoothing Serum.
All worked a treat and D's dignity was restored.
Regretably as soon as she was spruced up Bronte the JRT saw Dorothy as the object of her new obsession.
Dorothy's 18 years in a garden shed could have been, post restoration, Boynton is wondering why she didn't leave her in the plastic bag as the doll stares with eyelash-less recrimination.
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Tuesday, 26 September 2006
Nora's vacances en Europe ends today. Back to Melbourne via Singapore tomorrow and arriving just in time for the big event on Saturday.
She bids a wistful goodbye to her host city Den Haag. To her hosts Averil and Ross she is once again utterly beholden, for their generosity and hospitality. Fond farewells until we meet again.

Vallée de la Loire.
Averil, Ross and Nora left Den Haag on Wednesday to travel to Montreuil-Bellay. We stayed overnight at Lille to break the journey and spent most of Thursday driving. Arriving late in the afternoon at our destination, Averil quickly read the extensive rule book/accommodation guide of the apartment which Nora studiously avoided. After breaking one of the golden rules: "Don't throw the ball for the labradors (both black) even if they ask-and they will-because they have arthritis"-she thought better and quickly crammed for future faux pas avoidance.
Friday's main attraction was Fontevraud Abbey famous for being the burial site of Richard Coeur de Lion.
On Saturday we began with a visit to Chateau de Breze which had an amazing Colombier (pigeon house - more like pigeon city) near the main entrance.
We then had an extensive (free) tour of the Cave des Vignerons de Saumur - the underground caves are in excess of 10 kms and in the cool, dank humidity lurking in the fog hung dollops of spongy mould hanging from the ceiling, ready to drop on unsuspecting visitors.
The open air market at Saumur was beginning to wind down as we spent a few pleasant moments people-watching over quiche, eclairs and iced tea. Wandered up to the chateau for a cool beer and a wonderful view of the Loire.
Sightseeing continued on Sunday. The first was the troglodyte village museum which provided an interesting insight into the shadowy world of cave dwelling.
Then the zoo at Doue where we spent ages mesmerised by two snow leopard cubs (born in May) bouncing each other like two giant, frisky kittens.
The final attraction was the Mushroom museum caves where more troglodyte rooms were on display as well as the mushrooms -champignons and exotics - in various stages of growth, emerging at a constant 14C.
Watching TV at Lille (overnight en route to Vallée de la Loire) early Thursday am, my attention was caught (for a couple of milli-seconds) by the chat show “Les Maternelles” and the thorny old question: La jalousie entre freres et soeurs. Est-elle inevitable?

More Royals.
One week ago was the third Tuesday in September and therefore Prinsjesdag. Nora was caught up in the local show of patriotism and royal watching. She waited with the expectant crowd outside Nordeinde palace. A beautiful autumn day set off the festivities as armed officials lined the route taken by a marching band and assorted regiments marching ahead of the royal party towards the parliament building.
Nora caught a glimpse of HRH as she glided by in her golden coach to loud applause and cheering. The Queen then made a speech which opened the new parliamentary year.